Datalake with 1 GB of File Storage

Stage data for analysis easily. Load from flat files or connect to online sources. Your DashPropeht datalake can hold and transform data and handle incremental updates daily, weekly or monthly.

Data to Dash

Let your data talk. Get insights in real time. Move your data into our visualization workflow by assigning it to a Project with a specific set of contributors such as Analysts who can participate in the design process. Once your design is done, share a Reader version with colleagues that’s crisp and clean.

Analysts Built In

No one else provides talent like we do. DashProphet was founded specifically to help non-technical business leaders move quickly by tapping a vetted pool of data experts on demand. Get help when you need it. Unblock projects. Solve data problems. Move faster.

Author Beautiful Dashboards

Whether your team authors dashboards or you want us to build out a prototype, they will render beautifully. Powered by AWS SPICE in-memory data for super-fast responsiveness, you’ll be amazed at the speed, viewport auto-adjusting screens and drill-down capabilities.

Share it All

Collaborate on authoring and designing dashboards with a small group. Once you’re ready to share more broadly, invite colleagues in as Readers to view and filter without altering the underlying data or analysis itself. 

Because DashPropht does not bill by user, you’re free to share simply and easily.